Cord Blood Connect 2024 Travel Grants & Award Recipients

CBA Foundation Travel Grants

CBA Foundation

We are excited to announce the five recipients of the CBA Foundation sponsored need-based travel grants to current CBA members. Award winners received a $1,500 travel grant to attend the meeting.

Congratulations to the following recipients: 

  • Seham Gawdat, Cell Safe Cord Blood Bank
  • Evan Delay, Bloodworks Northwest
  • Jian Huang, Coriell Institute for Medical Research
  • Zoila Gomez, MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Alexandra DeLosRios, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Best Abstract Awards

We are excited to announce the three recipients of the CBA Foundation funded travel grants. Award winners were invited to present their abstracts in front of the full Cord Blood Connect audience during a special education session and received a $1,500 travel grant to attend the meeting. 

Congratulations to the following recipients: 

  • Best Banking/Process Development/Technical Abstract - Wouter Van't Hof, Cleveland Cord Blood | "Contribution of US Public Cord Blood Banking to Improved Engraftment and Survival after Allogeneic Cord Blood Transplantation (CBT)"
  • Best Clinical Trials Abstract - Srividhya Senthil, Royal Manchester Children Hospital | "During CB Transplant in MRD-Positive AML, Relapse is Usually Early, is Reduced by Acute GVHD and is Influenced by Ciclosporin Exposure: A Multicenter National Experience"
  • Best Preclinical Studies Abstract - James Ropa, Indiana University | "Transcriptomic Identification of Functionality Potent Umbilical Cord Blood Units"

CBA European Community Travel Grants

We are excited to announce the six recipients of the FamiCord sponsored travel grants. Each recipient will receive a $3,000 grant to support their attendance at the conference. Recipients will be presenting their abstracts at the Poster Session.

FamiCord Logo

Congratulations to the following recipients:

  • Phoebe Groves, Anthony Nolan | Post-Thaw Clinic: Boosting Cord Utilization by Supporting Clinical Teams 
  • Stefano Rossi, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Unit, Spedali Civili of Brescia | IL10R deficiency and Hemopoietic cell transplantation (HCT): outcome of 2 patients treated in a single Center with CBU HCT 
  • Felician Stancioiu, Fundatia Bio-Forum | Autologous Cord Blood vs Personalised Supplements for Autistic Spectrum Disease – CORDUS Study 
  • Elena Soncini, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Unit, Spedali Civili of Brescia | Umbilical cord blood (CBU) source as first choice or as rescue for bone marrow transplant in Primary Immunodeficiencies (PID): a single Center experience 
  • Dinara Smarkanova | Multicomponent cord blood bank program, beyond transplantation.  
  • Rigveda Bhave, Institute for Transplantation Diagnostics and cell Therapeutics, Heinrich-Heine-University, Dusseldorf | In-depth characterization of B-lineage populations arising during cord blood CD34+ HSPC differentiation for ETV6::RUNX1 progenitor identification